Monday, February 07, 2011

The Meaning of "Citizen"

“muslims in the west will do whatever they want regardless of what the local law says/permits.” link

George Washington: “…the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection should demean themselves as good citizens in giving it on all occasions their effectual support.” link

Take a look at that word, “citizen”. We now think of a citizen as a naturalized resident or someone born in the United States. The Founders did not think of citizenship that way. Being a citizen entailed a certain duty and outlook. The specific and most important duty was obedience to civil law.

How do Arabs settle their disputes? How often do they refer to law and courts? As little as possible. Rather, by custom they resolve conflicts using a strong person to mediate between parties, the usual outcome being the weaker party yields to the stronger one in a face-saving manner. The legal processes of a city or country are to be avoided, if indeed they are anything more than paper at all: in Pakistan, Yemen, and other Muslim countries legal officials often defer to the threat of Muslim terror and refrain from enforcing the law.

Hence, the contempt of many Arab (and Arabized Muslim) immigrants for Western laws and customs. Arabs are not the first immigrants to the U.S. to think this way; Sicilian Italians did as well. The Irish probably would have maintained this outlook if so many of them hadn’t been integrated into police forces immediately upon arrival. However, because in the U.S. the law really does belong to the people and is not an instrument of unjust persecution, all these immigrant groups substantially integrated into the melting pot by the third generation.

Yet none of these previous parties maintained the Arab/Muslim religiously-held imperative of innate and unquestionable cultural superiority and non-integration with the surrounding community. Examples throughout the world of Muslim populations growing in power to the point they oppress or expel non-Muslims probably heighten such resistance: they probably feel they will triumph eventually. Therefore the U.S. may need to revise who it considers a citizen in the next generation, or accept that the days of the reign of civil law will soon be reduced to a fiction, as in parts of Lebanon, Pakistan, France, and Sweden.

Note: it is an error to claim that immigrants always seek economic opportunity or to escape government and religious oppression. The Separatists had all of that when they were in Holland. Rather, they came to the U.S. to build their own community. They took their values with them for a fresh start in a new country. That should properly be called colonization, not immigration.

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